Introducing Thriving Beyond Motherhood

Are you a stay at home mom, struggling to find confidence and purpose on your motherhood journey? The daily grind, the overwhelming responsibilities, and the feeling of losing your identity can leave you burnt out and questioning your role. But fear not! In this comprehensive course, I'm going to guide you on a path to rediscover your inner strength, elevate your happiness, and embrace your purpose.

Thriving Beyond Motherhood Will Transform Your Stay At Home Mom Journey

Created with you in mind, this course covers the things parenting books don't!

Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it's easy to lose sight of your own dreams and aspirations while caring for your family. "Thriving Beyond Motherhood" is not just another course; it's a transformative journey designed to help you reclaim your confidence and find purpose in your role. Through daily habit changes and a supportive community, we'll work together to reignite your passion and happiness in motherhood.

Picture This, Mama...

Imagine waking up every morning excited about the day ahead. Picture yourself as a confident and empowered mom who's in control of her life. Visualize a thriving community of like-minded women who understand your journey and are there to support you. These desires can become your reality!

Empowered Women Empower the World

Hey! I'm Alessandra, a stay at home mom of 3 awesome kiddos and wife to my high school sweetheart!

After going through the postpartum stage 3 times, diving deep down a path to burnout after baby number 2, and realizing that no baby or parenting books actually helped moms in real life, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

The lack of support for modern moms is unacceptable. Moms need and deserve a better foundation and community.

That's why I created this course. As a stay at home mom, I've been where you are. I've felt the exhaustion, the self-doubt, and the longing for a sense of purpose. I've used the strategies and techniques I teach in this course to transform my own life. My content has helped countless moms find joy, confidence, and fulfillment in their roles.

When moms are happier, kids and families are happier. That's how we change the world.

What Other Mamas Are Saying...

Brie's Testimonial

I loved all the mindset and perspective tips to help

on the hard days of motherhood.

mom and baby
Kinsey's Testimonial

I’m so grateful for the practical tools that you’ve made. The daily rhythm schedule has helped keep things clear and simple for me when I’m too overwhelmed to process some things on my own.

Abby's Testimonial

Finally a toolkit for stay-at-home-moms that feels realistic AND works! Alessandra’s course couldn’t have come at a better time for me. As a SAHM of 2 under 3, I was feeling burnt out, uninspired, and frustrated. Although at first I was resistant to some of the activities in the course, I decided to dive in with both feet and see what happened. It turns out that even some of the simplest shifts like her tips for chores and daily schedules DO make a huge difference in everyone’s happiness. The course was easy to do in bite-sized chunks which was so important as a mom and it all felt DOABLE! One of my favorite aspects was the journal prompts because they really made me think and surprised me with the things I came up with. If you’re a SAHM searching for more joy in your day to day, GET THIS COURSE!

The Benefits!

  • Rediscover your identity and purpose as a stay-at-home mom.
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Create positive daily habits that will energize and empower you.
  • Join a supportive community of fellow moms on the same journey.
  • Gain access to exclusive content and resources to supercharge your transformation.

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Goal Setting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating Healthy Habits
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simplifying Motherhood
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Overcoming Overwhelm & Guilt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Mindset Matters
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Embrace Your New Normal
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

The Investment

The investment in yourself is just $327. Think about the long-term benefits of regaining your confidence and joy as a mom. It's a small price to pay for a lifetime of fulfillment!